Deb Turner is a weaver, dyer and braider. Her fibre work reflects her strong interest in both structure and colour. Dyeing her own colours gives her great artistic freedom and sometimes serendipity when colours and interactions created are somewhat unexpected.

The yarns Deb uses are all spun from high quality fibres in interesting blends that work together to best fulfill the needs of the articles she is making. If man-made fibres, such as tencel, are chosen she ensures they are environmentally friendly.

The underlying structure of any weaving allows Deb to show off the yarns used to their best advantage, displaying their natural beauty. She creates one-of-a-kind articles that will stand the test of time in their design sense.

Deb also creates colourful and elegant jewelry using a Japanese braiding technique called Kumihimo. Using silk strands she braids, knots and adds beads to create beautiful cords of colour. The endless colour combinations and patterns possible are yet another outlet for Deb’s unique colour sensibility and love of structure and design.